Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Nearly Becalmed, Position: 35°17 S, 108°34 E, Temp. 75°F (24°C)
We didn't do a great job of research before we left to find out what official records had been broken at sea, and it really isn't that important to us in our quest for self enlightenment. A few times on our journey we learned that what we thought were records had already been accomplished by fellow sea voyagers who came before us. As we near 300 days and are running out of drinking water, we may have to cut our voyage short in Australia in order to survive. I decided to finish up a project I've been working on for the past couple months in what little spare time I've had after all the sailing and repairs and maintenance and fixing things. We're pretty sure we'll be in the record books for making the largest baseball while at sea. Of course if anybody knows of an example of a larger baseball made at sea, please let us know.
Soanya's View:
It was beautiful weather during the early part of the day. It brought to mind when spring comes and every now and then a warm bit of air mingles with the usual cool breeze. Then the air smells different too. I'm not sure if the air smelled different or was it my memory that made me think I could almost smell warmer air. Sometimes I wish we had brought grass seed so we could grow a plot for me to eat when my stomach gets upset. When it gets really bad, Reid knows that fetch time will distract me from my discomfort. I sometimes wonder if there are rabbits in the sea.
I would please like the baseball photo on a large coffee mug.
Sorry - we only offer the small mug for the record baseball, though you might be able to get a large coffee mug from Target and a Sharpie from Staples. Write "300" on it and you've got a keep sake.
Happy 300 days!
The Management
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